Sacred 2 Gold Builds

вторник 28 апреляadmin

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Guides may only be edited by or with the permission of the author.Elementalist, Mentalist, Dragon Magic Specialist, which of them should be your first, or can you have all?!By chattiusYou want to play your first? Rider university tuition. But you are unsure which aspect is the best or which is the playstyle you will like the most? I played a riding Elementalist and a polearm swinging mentalist and I can hopefully give some advice:The elementalist can do a lot of damage, single and multi target, but lacks a buff with a good defense.The dragon magic specialist has a very good buff which gives spell damage, spell resistance and hitpoints. But it has only 2 attack spells. The dragon strike is clumsy to use in caves and at obstacles but can do nice damage and it reduces hit chance of opponents. Eternal fire lacks the damage boost from the lore in the current patch. The transformations are fun and nice to play in the early game, but lack defense as soon as they run in mobs with non physical damage.The mentalist has a nice buff which gives physical protection, can stun and block spells.

Its Maelstrom slow opponents. Mind strike modified to area effect is very quick and sometime enough to kill small groups except the champion.I will describe some possible builds.Dragon magic specialistsDragon magic specialist lack a single target damage spell later in game. Play centurion defender of rome online. So the easiest way to get this would be to add mentalism tree, because we well need mentalism focus for the buff anyway we offer just 1 skill to add mentalism lore for single target damage.

We win better physical protection this way too. So Dragon magic specialists are either mentalists or elementalists.

For Sacred 2: Fallen Angel on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'Sacred 2 Build FAQ'.

There is no pure dragon magic specialist.The mentalist:The companion from dragon magic tree gives a BIG boost to intelligence and therefor damage. It can give a nice boost to hitpoints too and a even BIGGER boost if we take dragon magic lore too.