Battletoads Wiki

пятница 01 маяadmin

Battletoads (Named Pimple, Rash& Zitz) are Minor Characters in Sonic For Hire, they appeared in the 'Battletoads' episode, when Sonic& Co. Are romping through Battletoads, until Sonic panics about seeing more of the Creator's monstrous creations. Tails clarifies that what he's seeing are in fact.

You will quickly meet two Ravens who want to knock you off your Turbo-Cable. Kick them away to defend yourself. If you are able to bounce a Raven off the wall 8 times then you will receive a 1-Up.

Try to get as many lives as possible now while you can. Two more Ravens appear to get kicked. After you bash the birds you will come across Saturn Toadtraps.

They want to eat you and spit you out. A Battletoad Bashing Ball will take care of them quickly (which you perform by the direction against a wall opposite of your target and then attacking across the level).

Two more appear on the right before you can continue down the Wookie Hole.You get a brief break with two flies, but then you meet a Mutated Raven. This Raven specifically doesn’t want to hurt you. It wants to hurt your Turbo-Cable. Once you and the Raven are at the same height it will fly across to snip your Turbo-Cable and instantly take a life. You can either go up to dodge him or kick him in the face to break his beak.

His beak flies in the air for a moment and if you’re quick you can grab it.The beak, much like the Walker’s leg, acts as a stick to swing at opponents. Five of these Mutated Ravens show up so don’t miss your chance.

A stick will always be your best friend in Battletoads. After the fifth one, a Retro Blaster will burst from behind you. This robot will shoot a shocking blast that does 3 blocks of damage to you, or half your health. You can’t use your stick on him, but a good old fashioned punch works fine.

Three punches or one Bashing Ball puts the Retro Blaster down. One more will show up one at a time before you’re treated to four more flies. Directly under the flies are three Ravens ready to get you. Bash them and move on.Our first obstacle of the Wookie Hole shows up in the form of an Electro-Zap.

It will shoot bolts between each of the two units while expanding outward so swing to the right quickly. Another is below moving to the left.

After you dodge them both is another Mutated Raven. Grab his beak and and move on. An Electro-Zap will be on the right go left.

Then swing right to dodge the one on the left. Many obstacles in Battletoads will alternate this way. Keep that in mind! After the second Electro-Zap comes yet another Mutated Raven to battle. Six Ravens will follow before you can heal up with two flies.Three Saturn Toadtraps appear on the right (the middle one is green but behaves the same as the others) After 6 more Ravens you’ll be rewarded with three flies. This is a very generous level.

Bad mojo banana wow. A grey Retro-Blaster will burst from behind you soon after. This one takes 8 normal hits or 1 Bashing Ball to defeat. Four Saturn Toadtraps are under him on the right wall. Use your Bashing Ball on them as well before being greeted by Mutated Ravens on both sides of you. Punch them both out before moving on to a third just below.

After the enemies come many obstacles. A series of Electro-Zaps will arrive in the following order: left, right, left, right, left. Touching any of these will likely result in a death so quickly dodge right, left, right, left, right. Getting past these means you got out of the Wookie Hole.

Once you hit him hard he’ll sink into the ground. You can either attack and kick his head until he goes flying or run up and attack to get rid of him quickly. Fight a second Scuzz before reaching a pit. Walk to the bottom of your platform carefully to have the smallest gap to jump across. Going right will introduce you to ‘Vaders.

These three aliens are here to break the fourth wall and steal your health points.Punch them before they reach the top of the screen or punish them for stealing and collect your health as it falls back down. If they get away with your health or you don’t retrieve it when it falls then it is gone for good. Once you’ve put them in their space you will be sandwiched by two Scuzz. Defeat them before they pile up on you. Reaching the edge of this platform brings two flies. Heal up before you cross to face another Scuzz.

This platform is small and your Smash Hits send you flying so be very careful which direction you fight them from. I recommend fighting the first Scuzz from the left side.

After you cross another gap try standing on the right side and fighting Scuzz there. After carefully platforming across you will see two bikes. Hop on, toads. It’s time to ride through the Turbo Tunnel.This notorious section requires patience and reaction. After the game telegraphs its moves by flashing them on the right a series of walls and ramps will come your way. You must dodge the tall walls by moving up or down as you go through the tunnel.

You will also see small barriers stretching across the field so you must jump over these. Later on you will find ramps on the ground and ramps in the air. Always ride the ramps over the gaps.


Eventually you’ll even see Rocket Rats either dropping walls or flying in your way. I will list to you the order all of these things appear in. You will checkpoint between each leg of the race so don’t worry about redoing the entire tunnel if you make a mistake.Leg 1: Walls appear at the top, bottom, top, bottom, top, bottom, bottom, top, and top. Jump over the barrier and then walls appear at the bottom and top. Three more barriers come to jump over so try to jump early so that you have plenty of time to jump them all.

Walls then appear quicker at the top, bottom, and top. Checkpoint!Leg 2: Ride the ramp, jump the barrier, ride the ramp, jump two barriers, and ride the ramp. Walls appear at the top, bottom, and top before you can ride the ramp.

Six walls will alternate between top and bottom until another ramp shows up. Then you will see two barriers on the ground and one in the air. Jump the first two and do nothing but ride under the air barrier. Leg 3: Four walls going top, bottom, top, and bottom appear, but then the same four walls appear only faster.

Then three walls appear. Jump the second wall early (not too early!) to make sure you can jump the third in time. Ride under the air barrier and then jump up onto the air ramp. Rocket Rats will drop walls at the top then bottom. A barrier shows up to jump over as Rocket Rats drop another wall at the bottom, top and bottom. Jump onto the air ramp, jump the barrier, and then go either up or down to dodge the sneaky wall in the middle. Checkpoint!Leg 4: Ride the 3 ramps, jump 2 barriers, and ride down to the ramp at the bottom.

Ride under the two air barriers and jump onto the air ramp. Three Rat Pods will wave back and forth here. Stay to the top and jump over them.

Be careful of a fourth pod that shows up after the first two are off screen. Jump that one too and ride the ramp. An exclamation point appears in the top right to warn you that now you will need to jump each gap manually. Jump at the end of each platform 5 times before a Rocket Rat drops a wall at the top.

If those jumps are giving you trouble then try riding forward to make the landing and riding backwards to give yourself more room for the next jump. WARP WARNING - At the beginning of the fifth and final part of this race you will begin to dodge walls that alternate between top and bottom. Count then as you pass because the 10 th wall (5 th bottom wall) will have a warp in front of it.

This warp will skip you past the rest of this level and the fourth level.Leg 5: Walls appear very quickly alternating between top and bottom. Quickly weave between them, then jump over the two barriers and the barriers made by the Rocket Rats. Beating that means you’ve conquered the Turbo Tunnel!