Mob Enforcer Cartoons

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Knowing Vegas: What’s the story behind Nevada’s Black Book? If you think the Black Book is something you don’t want your name in, you’re right. Here’s what you should know about it. This is a list of fiction set in or near the city of Chicago.

Origin A Hellspawn is born.Spawn was once a man named Al Simmons, a highly trained assassin and was considered the best. He was a well known soldier who was at his most successful point when he saved the President from an attempted assassination. He was promoted to a higher level of the that dealt with the things the Government had kept secret from the general public. However, Al soon realized that the Government wasn't always right and started questioning if they were truly correct in their actions.

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This caught the attention of people in high power.who had long since been his superior found out about this and knew that Al knew too much. So he hired who was Al's friend and partner to kill him. In a blazing inferno Al Simmons was murdered and his soul was sent to because he had knowingly killed innocents in his days. Al Simmons in HellAl made a deal to sell his soul to a Demonic Being known as ' ' to get to see his wife once again. He was allowed to come back however he came back five years later as some kind of strange with no memory of what he had done. After remembering what he had done, he sought out his wife only to find she had moved on and married his best friend, and had even had a child named.It was after this event that his demonic guide the whom appeared as a clown showed up. He revealed to Spawn the purpose of his life and fought him but had his battle interrupted.

Now realizing his purpose he must fight to survive against both the forces of. Major Story Arcs A New Life Classic SpawnSpawn’s early battles were very anti-hero like as he went up against street thugs and gangs. He later brutally killed a pedophile and child murderer named. It was this act that brought the detective duo of and into Spawn's life.Later he was hunted by the Angel who hunted Spawns for sport.It is around this time that Spawn becomes “king” of “Rat City”, a gathering of alleys where bums and the homeless live. There he meets the bum who to Spawn’s surprise knows much about him. Spawn would soonbattle the cyborg mob enforcer who almost killed Spawn, but he was able to emerge victorious. He was again hunted by and would fight the angelic warrior called the a.k.a the who was in fact.

The First MetamorphosisAfter an almost dangerous confrontation with a, Spawns suit mutated and became more advanced. The unusual cape became slightly ripped, and the red glow that had come from the costume was gone, and had evolved to what is now black and white. Spawn used to have boots and gloves but he found out that those had also changed, becoming replaced with spikes.

Spawn's suit was more powerful than the original and had also found out that he had a new cape and chains, which were able to shape shift into different things to confuse his opponents. After finding this out, Spawn used his blades to slash off a 's hand.After defeating the Spawn thought that the battle was over until he meets someone more powerful than the known as the. Spawn fought with but was unaware of 's power, the ability to create nightmares which he did to torture Spawn with his past. During the battle a creature appearing to have the original appearance of Spawn, fights other beings and creatures, and knocks out Spawn. When Spawn woke up the creature tells Spawn that ever since the metamorphosis the suit will feed off souls. After being informed this Spawn later finds himself in.

He would fight with the, meet Harry Houdini who taught him about magic and also meet.After this sends a reprogrammed after, blaming him for the recent attacks on the mob and Spawn was forced to reveal his identity while saving his friend. However it was a well-placed shot from that brought down this time. He would later bring back his friend after he was killed in another fight with. Spawn would be a part of ’s trial and later traveled to the South and had an encounter with the KKK and an abusive father of two boys. When he returned to he was attacked by a new. This caused his costume to evolve and defeated the with it’s new found power.

After another encounter with the suit began to go wild and after saving from cancer sent him to, but sent him back with full control of the suit. Greenworld and UrizenDue to increasing attacks from and Spawn began to lose himself to evil, however thanks to the arrival of he was able to regain his goal. Was an emissary of the Greenworld, a dimension whose power was equal to both and ’s and did not care for their war, but wanted to stop the destruction caused by it. They gave new powers to Spawn so he could better understand the world and it’s people.It was around this time that Spawn battled the powerful god. Spawn once stopped a cult from summoning, but this time he had been summoned by two gate opener demons named.

Was causing massive destruction to the world and after losing a battle to him, Spawn came back and used his new abilities to use the Earth itself to swallow and imprison him. The New King of HellAfter his battle Spawn learns that caused ’s release in an attempt to start Armageddon and conquer the forces of due to his army being larger at the time. Spawn and decided to journey to and kill him to stop his plans. During the battle mortally wounds, but he kills her with his remaining strength and in anger Spawn takes off his head. Heaven and Hell Spawn as an angelAs Spawn struggled to find a way to get rid of 's control and regain control, he noticed that the attacks were coming from both. Spawn found himself losing the battle at first due to the Salvation that had arrived in a new form, a creature from the green world which is one of Spawns weaknesses.

's power was equal to and which Spawn had never faced before, as it gave him new abilities which allowed him to overcome the worst from both. Though these powers were not really known they seem to give control of all the elements around the world. It was explained that the Greenworld had no interest in the war of and, but was getting frustrated with the destruction that it brought. They caused the pain of the earth and later Spawn became aware of it.

Spawn did not change his powers though rather than listening to earth, until being attacked. After recovering, Spawn learns that the Greenworld had imbued him with a gift which he uses to contain by splitting the ground and imprisoning him inside the earth.After killing him he finds that the throne of is rightfully his and it is offered to him by the demon however he refuses the offer, but after deliberating with his teacher he decided to turn into a new paradise, but reveals that he is Cain the man who killed his brother in envy and the first murder and man to go to. His true goal has been to take over and uses to do it. He betrayed Spawn and took the throne for himself, but gave Spawn the gift of his human form back. WanderingAfter returning he meets a young Wiccan named. With her help he regains his suit, but has lost his much of his power due to still being human without the suit.

However Mammon tricks and betrays Nyx and takes her control over Spawns union with his suit and removes all of his memories of the past. With no memory he wanders the Earth and during his wandering releases a group of angels who are called the Forgotten and take no sides in the war between Heaven and Hell. He discovers that Mammon is a member of the Fallen who was sent to Hell and his power is much greater than Malebolgia’s. Armageddon Spawn in ArmageddonSpawn regains his memories thanks to the power of the Greenworld. His suit also evolves once more and now it seems one with his body but as time progresses, he begins to hate himself. Both Heaven and hell have rejected him and now he sits in the back alleys, the city streets, sitting upon a stage prop in an abandoned warehouse as maggots and other horrible insects crawl inside his body.

Nesting inside the empty shell that he has become.where is he to go? His first thought is to return to the dead zone however that land is heavens territory. And a Hellspawn is not welcomed in such lands. Immediately, upon entering Spawn is confronted by the Disciple who promptly greets Spawn by tearing his brain out and throwing his heart into the Greenworld whilst Spawn's body is thrown to hell. Spawn is then captured and tortured by Mammon so he can understand the secrets inside him.Meanwhile when Spawn's heart fell to the Green World, a soul was freed, as all the souls that died within the hour Al died went into the Spawn suit (thus why Malebolgia could not control Spawn). Chris meets with his mother once more as the Man of Miracles instructed him and then he travels to hell along with Sam Burke and Twitch Williams to rescue Spawn from Mammon.

Spawn escapes and when he returns to earth, Signs of Armageddon begin to appear and Spawn begins looking for a way to stop it. Spawn discovers that Wanda’s twin children are responsible and he stops them from killing their entire family, but is unable to destroy them. Reveals that Jake is God and Katie is Satan.Spawn finds out that the Mother removed them of their powers and positions and sent them to Earth due to their hatred of each other and constant fighting. She tells him he cannot stop Armageddon, but he has the potential to be elevated to the power of a God and preserve the human race.He has to eat a piece of Forbidden Fruit from the Garden of Eden to gain such power. She tells Spawn he must prove himself first and has to fight against the. It is revealed that there are twelve disciples, each one representing Jesus’ disciples.

His power is also weakened as a demon is never to enter the Garden and it has taken the form of a counter starting at 9:9:9:9. However with guidance from Cyan he defeats all the Disciples except for the last Judas who Cyan tells him not to kill.

He then stabs him in the heart, but the Mother gives Spawn a piece of the fruit and resurrect him. He gains a more angelic form and greater power.He returns to Earth finding it destroyed by the four Horsemen and all the humans dead and Angels and Demons in their place waiting to fight in the final battle. After defeating Zera he finds dead warriors of Heaven and one of them is having been betrayed by her faith. Spawn then battles the forces of Satan and God.

He uses all the power given to him by the Mother to destroy the forces of Heaven and Hell and even all humanity. He has stopped Armageddon by taking away their armies; he is then killed by the two who then fight alone on Earth. New WorldHowever, Spawn comes back and by opening himself to the power of the Mother, resurrects everyone with the knowledge of what happened. He left God and Satan to fight in their own little world and closed the doors to Heaven, Hell and Earth.

He asked to be turned into a human again by the mother, but later asked to once again become a Hellspawn. The New ClownAfter a series of odd murders Spawn finds that the Clown has come back possessing the body of man named Barney Saunders. It was revealed that Saunders was having an affair with a woman named Wilma Barbara and got trapped in a garbage chute when he was trying to hide from her husband. He was there for sometime until Spawn destroyed and remade the world.

He was rescued by Clown so he could use his body for himself. He then brought out the dark urges inside the tenants of an apartment building and used this to form a doorway to Hell to bring back his brother’s.

However before he could form a portal Wilma showed up and his love for her allowed Saunders to take back control. He then intended to close the portal by going through it, but he took Wilma with him due to being angry over her leaving him in the chute.Zera reappeared only her head survived and she was suspended in a jar. Spawn was summoned by a Voodoo priestess named Mambo Suzanne. Zera was attempting to take over Nyx’s body and fight Spawn, but she was killed when Suzanne used their fighting as a distraction and threw her head into the streets where it was eaten by demon dogs. Nyx was freed and her and Spawn became friends again.Spawn later found that Ab and Zab had started a hell house where demons called sin eaters would create illusions of people’s greatest sins and feed off their guilt. Indycar series pc game.

After killing most of the sin eaters he found that a minister being fed on was his brother Richard and he allowed him to hallucinate to learn about his past.It was revealed that Mammon knew Al when he was younger under the name Mr. He taught Al to kill small animals in hopes of turning him into a killer and his servant and got Richard to do drugs. Only their brother Marc wasn’t influenced by Mammon. Later Richard stabbed his drug dealer named Weasel while high and called his brothers for help, but Al finishes him off instead of being implicated in crime and Mammon hides the body.Nyx and Spawn then kill the last sin eater and Spawn discovers that Richard cannot remember his parents due to a spell placed by Mammon and Spawn goes to find out about them. He finds their home under a spell placed by Mammon keeping them there for years. His mother is not shocked by his form, but his father is. It was revealed his mother planned with Mammon to create a hellspawn stronger than the others, but his father was grief stricken that he couldn’t stop her.

He is then given a journal by his father that his mother prevented him from seeing. It revealed that his ancestor came across a hellspawn in the past known as the. The Tale of Two Brothers Al SimmonsAb and Zab create a hell where visitors are forced to view their deepest fears due to demons called sin eaters they feed on guilt from the visitors then making them face the evil that they had ever done. A woman who was in the house both had delusions of their fear caused by the sin eaters. They fed on the guilt giving them more power when Spawn confronted Ab and Zab he was faced with his own sin against Wanda and his unborn child.

Spawn was unable to break free from the guilt and was slowly fed on by a sin eater. When Nyx interfered he was able to break a sin eater illusion. Nyx realized that he was getting more powerful. Spawn breaks all the others illusions then he comes across one who learned is Albert Simmons brother, Richard who was going through his worst sin Spawn who was still not yet recovering from all those memories as Albert Simmons.Spawn decides to allow Richard to feel his sins.

It is realized that it was Mammon that put a influence on Albert Simmons and tutored Albert Simmons to torture and murder small animals seemingly allowing him to become his servant who would feel no pity in taking a beings life Malefick had also influenced Richard Simmons to take drugs and introduced him to the drug dealer Weasel.It was only Marc Simmons who was able to save himself from mammon but was unable to help the others. Richard Simmons delusion of his past climaxed with him stabbing and injuring Weasel with a knife that was given by Mammon while intoxicated with drugs Richard calls his brothers to help him save the drug dealers life and Albert Simmons not wanting his brothers getting in the crime decides instead of calling an ambulance and pulls the knife from Weasel's body and kills him with it Mammon appears sending the brothers home while he hides the drug dealers body. The Monster in the Bubble spawn at his primeThe comic series during the continuation from the last issue Spawn was left helpless and at a little weakened against his enemy Erskine's psychic powers,and although Spawn had psychic powers of his own he was in trouble due to Erskine's creation of a tentacle creature that had the the ability of impaling his enemies.

This creature also showed the features of Mammon that was coaxing. Nyx had come out of nowhere to stab the creature with a sword, but not killing the creature just stunning it to get it's attention, but it was a mistake by Nyx only making herself the creatures target. Next she uses her telepathic powers to contact Marc Simmons, asking him to shoot Erskine. Erskine retaliates and ceases Marc's attack and accidentally grabbed the trigger of Marc's special gun causing the creature to disappear, while Spawn and Nyx go to the hospital where Erskine is.Spawn is given a opportunity of whether or not whether he should cause Erskine's death. Which threatens Spawn to enter the bubble dome, a dimension if Erskine does not reveal the location of Mammon, who Spawn believed was causing the attacks.

Mammon then appears only to complicate the situation and make things worse by allowing Erskine to complete his last murder, by using a devastating psychic projection of a strange woman to attack the last victim. After all that had happened Mammon confesses that it was him who taught Erskine how to use his powers.

Which been shown in his recent killing. Erskine tries to commit suicide leaving behind his possessions of the d.

See what's inside
Tough Luck: Part 1
Irish mob enforcer Bobby Callahan and his crew, The Lucky Bastards, are planning their biggest bank heist ever, to steal an ancient artifact for Meridian's demonic kingpin of crime, The Underlord. What they don't know is that every gang in the city, from an infernal Italian mob family to Viking bikers and troublesome trolls, are after the score, too.
Art by

Vlad Legostayev

Artyom Trakhanov

Colored by

Ryan Cody

Cartoons Action/Adventure Crime Fantasy Supernatural/Occult

Page Count

27 Pages

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Age Rating

12+ Only

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