Urban Chaos Psx

суббота 11 апреляadmin

Urban Chaos cheats & more for PlayStation (PSX). Cheats ; Unlockables ; Hints ; Easter Eggs ; Glitches ; Guides. Get the latest Urban Chaos cheats, codes,. 5.0 out of 5 stars Urban Chaos. Reviewed in the United States on September 20, 2010. Verified Purchase. This is an awesome first person shooter game. If you love 80s action movies, where the art of seeing criminal scum being blown away in slow-motion was perfected, then this was made with you in mind. The game includes gang-death cut-scenes.

About Genre Action Rating Rated 'M' for Animated Blood, Animated Violence, Strong Language Summary Urban Chaos is a third-person action-adventure that takes you into the under life of crime and turmoil in Union City, a thin guise for life in any big metropolitan area. The game is set at the turn of the millennium and Union City is experiencing a phenomenal new wave of violence and crime, and new gangs have sprung up with more power and aggression than ever. As D'arci Stern, you must complete the menial tasks of being a cop, such as tackling petty crimes and such, but in the larger scope of things, you find out that a much bigger set of crimes and conspiracies are coming at you like a freight train.

No Way!Early previews of the PC versionlikened Urban Chaos to Tomb Raider. Not a bit of it - UrbanChaos doesn't tie you down to a linear level structure, butinstead offers you several routes to take, from severalmissions, in order to achieve different goals.There are several training missions for the beginner in combat,fitness and vehicle driving. Each can cater for various skilllevels and once completed various missions start to revealthemselves. It doesn't stop there, as within each mission there area number of different tasks to complete. All sorts of differenttasks, like preventing suicides and rendezvousing with knowncriminals, are available to complete.

Due to the non-linear natureof the game, these missions may only appear once and in one missionbefore becoming inaccessible again. The city isn't just a mutedvenue either - as a somewhat unpopular city cop you'll face a lotof verbal abuse from the location's criminal occupant.The free-roaming nature of the game isn't all that wellcomplemented by its graphics. Mysims agents nintendo ds. The characters and backgrounds look alittle edgy and badly defined at times.

The animation too is alittle jerky and the cop cars a bit clunky, lacking taste.Sonically the game isn't all that impressive either, they fail tocomplement such a clever game otherwise. The sound effects aresurprisingly atmospheric, even if the musical interludes lackproverbial punch. The echoing hoots of the back street gangland andthe voice-overs of the central characters are suitably plush, if alittle questionable in the lattercase.

The gameplay is the single factorthat keeps Urban Chaos from sinking though. It's involving andimaginative. The city sprawls in all directions before you andit's full of characters to interact with. From the suitedbusinessmen hurrying around to the young men and women goingabout their daily business, everyone is happy to stop and chatto you, be it about current cases, or just a hunch on yourpart. And if they annoy you enough, you can nick 'em!Like Grand Theft Auto and Driver, you have free reign over thecity and what you do. In contrast with these other similarly themedtitles though, the occupants of the city are fully interactive, asis much of the scenery.

If you see someone walking down the street,you can walk up to them and have a chat, arrest them and throw theminto the brig, beat them up or even gun them down. Your options areendless, but you must beware that if you don't behave yourself youmay just find yourself in trouble with your work-mates.Being an evil law-disenforcerisn't what Urban Chaos is all about however.

A group ofoccultists are attempting to aid Nostradamus' predictions ofArmageddon for the year 1999 in whatever ways that they can.Havoc reigns supreme and your job is to try and prevent themfrom achieving their goals. It's a deep and engrossing plotthat twists and contorts as you play.ValueUrban Chaos offers a lot of enjoyment for your pound (Euro?) andwill definitely keep you occupied for several weeks. If you enjoyTomb Raider style games, this will appeal greatly to you, and ifyou like adventure games, the same is true. There's very littleavailable on the market right now with this level of interactivity.Even though the graphics and music let it down a little bit, theatmospheric sound effects and gameplay are quite the opposite.ConclusionIn conclusion, Urban Chaos is fantastic fun to play. Graphically itisn't all that impressive for the platform, but the depth of thetitle is astounding at times and the amount of different thingsthat you can do is quite phenomenal.Would I recommend you to pick up Urban Chaos for the Playstation?Well, if you have a suitable PC, I'd suggest that you purchase thatversion instead, but on the Playstation it does the job almost aswell.What The Scores Mean- Out Now.