Children Of Mana Walkthrough

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Children of Mana (DS) Walkthrough. Your complete guide to the game.

Children of Mana Walkthrough - BOSS3 Boss Battle: Thaydol -Well your character knew what was coming, and I'm sure you did. Yep, it'sanother big beastie with a barrier that needs some Holy Sword intervention. Anddoesn't he remin you of something from Seiken Densetsu 3?Anyway, on to the fight, you're on uneasy ground sliding toward the boss allthe time, but don't worry about falling into the pit, that's not going tohappen.This is probably the easiest boss you'll face in the game! While in his backposition, he'll lunge at you with his claws and knock you back.

Now, if youstand right in the middle and pummel him with arrows, he doesn't do any damageto you with this side swipe, just knock you back (or at least that's whathappenned to me, if you find out otherwise let me know and I shall ammend).When he leans forward, that's a different story altogether. Run like hellfiretoward the far right or far left. He'll either set some blue flames ablazing atdifferent parts of the quicksand, or lunge at you with both paws straight downthe middle. Either way, if you keep far to either side, you'll miss those.Then just run back and keep hitting him with arrows.

I defeated him in around 2minutes, and that's while writting this, so you can probably do it in much lessthan that.After your ranking and prize, we see the beast split into two spirits once more(the benevodons of Moon and Shadow), and are now greeted by Gaia as the heir tothe holy sword of Mana. He is the face of the earth who has been sleeping forten years also (holy hibernation, Batman!). He explains that evil forces flowedthrough the creature turning it into a malevodon, and the sword restored it toits true form, through the rebirth as a benevodon, of which six are alreadyborn (the ones corresponding to the beasts you've defeated. All starting tomake sense now, eh?). Your sword has the power to restore the world to itsproper state.He also states that you must stop the man you saw before at any costs, even ifhe defies the will of the planet.

Gaia then hands over a stone of his beingthat should break his spell, together with the branch from Treant. With that,he vanishes, leaving you to return and explain it all to Moti.You show the stone to Moti, but he is equally puzzled about who the man is andwhat his spell is. What Moti can do is to give you another weapon, that Wattscrafted himself and sent as a gift: the Mallet! You can knock enemies back withthese hammers, and send shock waves through the ground to knock them over orhit pegs into the ground. And, quite importantly, break the big pots, cacti andvines we've been having such a hard time doing so before! Now, this does have adown side to it.

Unfortunatly, this now means that in pretty much every questand zone, the Gleampool is going to be hidden by one of these large objects,which means not only do we have to find the Gleamdrop, but the pool as well,and with the recoil time the hammer has, that makes it a long task. So all Ican say is.IT'S HAMMER TIME!Well, not really, it's actually time to save, and do some more subquesting, aswell as checking out new stocks at the stores. You may want to revisit some ofthe levels you've already done as well if there were things you couldn't getbefore (like the chests guarded by quicksand).

Also make sure that you Chatwith Balbo of Bomb Brothers to receive their subquest. You will now also haveavailable the elemental subquests for Salamando and Luna.If you want some good levelling, I'd recommend Fiery Sands subquests thatmention eliminating all the monsters, specifically those stating 'overgrowninsects'. These large cockroaches award 14 EXP each (as opposed to the rathermeager 2 that most enemies are awarding), and when you've got a whole batch of20 or so of these bugs, that means almost a level in itself. Or half, at least.And if you REALLY want to get the best out of them, you may want to considerinvesting in a Heart of Progress gem. It'll only increase the gain of EXP by50%, and it takes up 2x2, but an EXP saved is an EXP earned.Another suggestion is that you take the time at this point to revisit oldstages as their original missions, and try to better your ranking to Gold ifyou didn't manage it first time through.

This will give you some rare PurpleGems to increase the level of your focused attacks during Fury, so they'reworth getting your grubby mits on.My recommendation level wise is to get your character up to level 30, and kitthem out with the best available gear (because at level 30 you'll be able to).Gem-wise you'll probably want to stick with what you know, or if you've aquiredsome better gems switch them out, but you don't have any more space to put themat the moment, so you can't add more on. You should probably, if you have themoney, upgrade your knapsack.

I went straight to Jumbo at this point, but youcan just go for the next size up, it'll do just fine.Once you feel you're ready, we'll move on to the next chapter.Walkthrough.