Dayz Game

понедельник 27 апреляadmin

About This GameJoin the scores of desperate survivors in the free 'Arma 2: DayZ Mod',the award-winning and massively popular persistent multi-player mod created by Dean 'Rocket' Hall for 'Arma 2: Combined Operations'!Go Solo, team up with friends or take on the world as you choose your path in this brutal and chilling landscape using whatever means you stumble upon to survive. However the infected are not your only threat. You will be forced to fight for your life against other survivors, over rare necessities like food and water, in your constant battle to survive in this wicked world.

Dec 21, 2018  DayZ is a difficult game to review, because a lot of the time it’s pretty boring. There are long stretches of nothing; of rambling across seemingly endless fields, not finding anything in towns.

Considering i have over 2100 e-books, i don't find reading a bad thing. Vambrace cold soul achievements. But when i want to game, i want to game not read streams of lines of text.Pulverised by text, CONSTANTLY that you can't skip unless you spam click your way through it.

How long can you survive in a post-apocalyptic world? Find out in Mini DAYZ now - an official pixel art rendition of the massively successful PC survival game - played by over 3 million fans.It is you against the world in Mini DAYZ: explore a randomly generated map and scavenge for food, ammo and supplies. Use anything you find to craft advanced items. Wild 99.3. Protect yourself against aggressive infected and ferocious wolves. But most important of all: make sure to stay dry, warm and well fed at all times.

GANK$TAH, Multiplayer?I love this game. I can never get enough, though it drains my entire battery in 45 minutes. I don’t have anything negative to say and positivity would sound generic and bot-like, so I’ve come up with a wishlist. 1) MULTIPLAYER- I feel the ability to be running around and just finding and teaming up with another player would be awesome, especially for those harder difficulties like veteran. There could be a little chat option where the player can type to team up or just chat.

2)SPECIFIC ISLAND GUIDES- When I start a game, I usually go around looting every town on the first island to get the best gear before I hit up island 2, which usually leaves me with 0 exploration or knowledge of island 2, and I end up dying because of walking into something I shouldn’t have. I think it’d be great to have island specific guides that could tell you basically what the different symbols mean, what new zombie types you’ll be facing, and so on. I just think that this would help people who are newer to the game or just don’t have much experience outside island 1 to get a better hold of the game and allow for better decision making.If you seriously read all that devs, I love you and I thank you sincerely for your time. You don’t have to follow my suggestions, I’ll still love the game anyways. Unless you make it harder.

At which point there won’t be a point. Thank you for your time. Channel 34, We could use some help he.This latest update, welcome and needed, thank you, has us combating random behemoths on the first island when you are very likely going to run into them (I ran into two in the first 10 minutes) wearing jeans and a T-shirt with a colt that you’ve probably used at least half the ammo.

I play the survivor with the gun and “radar” perk, and 14 rounds on 45acp, at 3-4 rounds per zombie to kill it, isn’t a huge advantage. I decided to try pulling the regular difficulty to get the guns unlocked first. After at least a dozen games, none longer than 90 minutes, I unlocked the mac10 and the shotgun, (as yet to actually find one, though). Switched to Veteran to try unlocking the new characters, but the closest I have ever come to that was 2 completed tasks (a behemoth killed me before I picked up the reward). Way too hard to play. My wish list? I would like to see the islands difficulty ratings adjusted.

I like the zoom out on it, but can you give us the ability to set our own screen resolution, and the joystick is practically near the middle of the screen, can we move it back to the corner? I play on an iPad Pro, so it’s a strain to hold the iPad and stretch my thumb all the way over there, very uncomfortable. As to the rest, we’ll keep playing as long as you keep providing us with this wonderful game, and you’ve done a GREAT job with fixes and content so far. Brilliant job.

Rottie25, Don’t stop.I’ve played this game since summer last year and I have loved how in the last update you actually changed some aspects and mechanics because you READ THE REVIEWS. I also love how now you can actually get a gun, before it was literally impossible to find a gun and even worse, ammo for it. I would like to address some recommendations though, everyone wants multiplayer, so AT LEAST put local(on same WiFi) and make the crafting part the other person put really into it and functioning. I also would like for you to, like the other guy said, add buyables but you can still unlock them. Like a shotgun that you need to kill ten zombies with the sawed off shotgun for example, to add something like that with all the other unlockable guns and maybe even a customize your OWN character, like in pixel gun where you can make you guy from scratch and add starting clothes that can be customized but still don’t affect your start. So in the end please add multiplayer and customizations, but apart from that I really recommend this game to anybody who wants a genuine zombie apocalypse experience.(and for the record, I don’t think the gun “decay” or whatever is too high but please try to put some matching ammo in gun shops with the guns)Thank you for reading and have a great day.