Tiger Woods Pga Tour 12 The Masters Review

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3285d agoAfter reading through your review I come away thinking you are upset that you suck at the game. It isn't hard. My God I am already posting 57's in some rounds during tournament play. It is just as easy, if not easier than last years. So far every event I have played in I have won. The fact that they plaster the 'Masters' all over the place is simple. Any true golf fan knows what a big deal it is to have that course in the game.

Apr 05, 2011  Although Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12: The Masters on the Wii can't be considered any sort of golfing evolution due to its reliance on many of the same features and mechanics found in.

It is a Graceland to most golfers. Everyone can have their own opinion, but the score is disgraceful. Especially since you complain about how it is to 'real' or 'authentic'. It comes off as someone that is just terrible at the game. Is it the greatest game ever? No, but your score makes it look like one of the worst.Playing as Tiger through the multiple Masters Championships and having to best what he did was awesome.

The fact that you can't use turbo boost or spin is also pretty cool. It adds some realism to a game that is cartoonish in the scoring as usual. IF there is a criticism I have, it is the fact that they got rid of money earnings from the season. They never got it right anyway with early events winning like 50k when all pga event wins usually garner 500k-1million at least. This is just my observation and you are entitled to yours. 3285d agoI agree with feelintheflow.

To start with, you assume that you're brilliant at the game and set it to 'Tour Pro' - then complain that its too difficult.You even say in the review that you don't want it to require super-accuracy. Taking ten minutes to set the difficulty down to a lower level and then playing a couple of holes would have given you what you wanted.I'm sorry, but you've just tarred a very, very good game with a massively shitty brush because you aren't very good at it. That's not how this reviewing lark works. 3285d ago'Tiger 12 is very much a simulation, more so than any of its predecessors ever were.

For a few this will be a wonderful thing, for the rest of us we fear it will not. No doubt the more hardcore golf lovers will be in their element – the courses are flawlessly recreated, the physics are incredibly accurate and the opponent AI is about as real as we’ve ever seen – but where does that leave those of us who just want to pass some time enjoyably? Up the creek without a paddle unfortunately.' You make it sound as though it is extremely difficult with this paragraph. One can only assume that you had a hard time playing it.

The entire tone of the review makes it sound like you had a hard time racking up the scores like in previous years. You say its accurate and realistic like its a bad thing. They make wii golf, and hot shots for people who want to pick up a game for fun, and games like this are for people who really want to feel like they are playing the masters.

Don't blame this itteration because the past ones were extremely non realistic and easy. This one is pretty easy as well. Like the other guy said, turn tour pro off if you want to just wack it around and not have any difficulty shooting 30 under. 3285d ago (Edited 3285d ago )Different strokes (see what I did there?) for different folks anyway. I was a huge fan of the Tiger games up til a couple of years ago, and can't help but feel they've gone backwards in trying to go forwards.

I trust in EA though, they've proven over the last few years that they're not just about churning out rehashes year after year like they used to.Despite the fact that I think Tiger 12 was an epic fail, I am appreciative of the fact that they've been trying new things. Qutie a lot of people really seem to love them, and that's even better, they're just not for me at all, and I'm not prepared to lie in my reviews about my opinions.

When EA Sports announced that Tiger Woods franchise was returning to our beloved platform PC, i was rather excited, because four years long drought was coming to an end for PC gamers. I have always loved a good golf game on PC, and have not played a great one since Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06.

However the real problem comes from me expecting a great Tiger Woods game with “Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12 The Masters”. Yes, gamers can say its a GOLF game, but if you are expecting it to be similar to console version that came out few months back, then guys prepared to get disappointed as you will have to keep waiting.

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12 The Masters on PC lacks in each and every department from console versions. YES STRANGE BUT TRUE.


Core Golf Mechanics:

The first good thing about Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12 The Masters is Core Golf Mechanics. The game put together a decent round of golf, and for most part all single-player are intact in PC version of the game. Players get Road to the Masters, the Masters Moments, Tiger at the Masters. In addition to these, there is a great voice tour of all the holes at Augusta National by the voice of golf, Jim Nantz.

With respect to Core Golf Mechanics, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12 The Masters features everything to be a great GOLF title. Even when gamers hit the actual links, there is decent amount of game buried deep in this game. No doubt in Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12 The Masters there are some quirks in the range finder for shots, and the greens are either super-fast or as slow as molasses, but there’s no in-between. Driving fairways in Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12 is easy enough, but short game around green is hit or miss.

Gamers can play a round on any of the 14 included courses. The quick-play options allows gamers to set up a match by playing all par 3 holes on a course or maybe just the back nine.

Gorf. Gangbusters. Pinball arcade cabinet key.


Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12 rewards players for all kind of stuff they perform while playing. Players get rewards and experience point for doing just about everything on the golf course. If a gamer hit 200 yard drive, he get cash and experience. Even making all the greens in regulation give gamers experience and money. With the cash earned players can upgrade their gear or outfits from the pro shop.

The BAD:

Graphics and Visual:

Tiger woods pga tour 12 download

When i heard Tiger Woods franchise is returning to PC, it thought it would bring top notch visual and graphics, competitive multiplayer and many more. At least, i expected some decent visual upgrades which include higher resolutions, DX 10 or DX 11 support. However developer didn’t put that much effort in graphics department of Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12.

The worst part of Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12 is the graphics and visual handicap that PC gamers will see between their version and the consoles version. Instead of making use of same engine, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12 developer made use of Unity 3D engine that powers Tiger Woods Online FTP version of Tiger Woods available in your browser.

Unity Engine is browser based tech, and so it offers a lot for web based visuals in games, but when we talk about a dedicated game, the Unity engine does not possess that much power as compared to free standing game engines. Yes, i was not expecting a visual quality of RAGE with Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12 but something comparable to the console versions would have at least been fair.


The most egregious fault that EA Sports made in Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12 is in Online Component. Instead of giving players an in-game mode, the developer hands player off to Tiger Woods Online site to play with others. Yes, you read it right, a site that existed for sometime is the same place where players play online in Tiger Woods 12.

On top of that players only get a three months of the premium service for free, and so after that they are expected to shell out some bugs from their pockets for micro-transactions in the form of new courses, clubs outfits and more.


I really try very hard to find out many positive points in Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12, but the game is just lacking in each and every department. No doubt Masters Stuff in the game is pretty cool, but no one will accept it at the expense of everything else in the game. The game make use of substandard rendering engine, and completely lack in online department. I am really very sorry to SAY that, if this is the state of Tiger Woods franchise on PC, then the developer should stop wasting the effort on things like this. Once again all PC gamers are left wondering whether EA Sports even bothers developing sports games for PC.


  • Some very good game of golf included
  • Players are rewarded for performing tasks on the course


  • Substandard graphics and visuals
  • Online mode
  • Broken features

Buy: Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 12: The Masters
